
A New Musical…

The process

Love the Musical came about almost as an accident. I began writing songs as a “therapy” for the events that came up in my life; happy, sad, exciting, frustrating, as you know. I had written about five songs at the time and brought them to my friend in Tasmania who owns a recording studio and had planned to begin recording for a possible album. After a session of playing with the songs and exploring the worlds they were living in, he turned to me and said, “Mate, you’re not writing an album. You’re writing a musical.” Immediately, I drove back home and wrote more. My brain then imagined every other song on a stage, almost blocking itself.

  • Growing up
  • Leaving home
  • Meeting People
  • One night stands
  • Finding Love in all Places
Learn How to Pattern & sew

Our lessons show, in detail, the entire process start to finish.

Learn the difference: knit & Crochet

Our lessons show, in detail, the entire process start to finish.

Learn to embroider and Cross stitch

Our lessons show, in detail, the entire process start to finish.

I feel confident to use my new skills to sell pieces online!

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Becky Swift
Tuscan, AZ

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